Rabu, 11 April 2012

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Soal Toefl Structure and Expression

 NPM       :    22209122
 KELAS   :    3EB17

Beserta Alasannya

1)      At the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, Geraldine Ferraro
became the first woman _________ for the vice presidency.
a. to being nominated
b. to has been nominated
c. to have been nominated
d. to will be nominated

Jawaban yang bener : B. to has been nominated
Alasannya adalah "the woman" itu orang ketiga atau "she", dan soal membahas tentang passive voice yg rumusnya
subject + to be / has been/have been + verb 3 + by lebih mudah kalo di terjemahkan lebih dulu, jadi "Pada tahun 1983 Konvensi nasional demokrasi di San Fransisco, Geraldine Ferraro menjadi wanita pertama.............. untuk menjadi presiden visa. jawaban yg tepat " di nominasikan".

2)   Rarely _____ located near city lights or at lower elevations.
a. observatories are
b. are
c. in the observatories
d. are observatories

jwban yg bnr: d
nih soal ttg inversion. Setiap kalimat yg diawali dgn negative expression spt "rarely, hardly, never, seldom, no" dll, Subject dan verb nya harus dibalik letaknya. Klo kita ga ngerti ttg inversion, pasti kita jwb a, dan itu yg diinginkan si pembuat soal.
Kalimat normalnya:
Observatories are rarely located near city lights or at lower elevations.
Perhatikan letak kt "rarely" pd kalimat soal dan kalimat normalnya.

3)      the Eiffel tower____________Paris, France.
b.is landmarked in
c.is a landmark in
d.is in a landmark

Jawabannya : C. is a landmark in
Alasannya : Setiap kalimat dlm bhs inggris WAJIB ada subjek dan kt kerja. Yang hilang pd kalimat di soal adalah kt kerja. Kalimat ini kalimat sederhana, memberikan definisi Eifel Tower dan kt landmark berfungsi sbg kt benda.

4)      ___________a tree can be grown from a seedling
a.that is generally believed
b.believed generally is
c.generally believed it is
d.it is generally believed tha

Jawabannya : D. it is generally believed tha
Alasannya : Kalimat ini terdiri dari 2 clause (clause = kalimat = ada subjek dan kt kerja). a tree can be grown from a seedling adalah clause ke 2, sedangkan opsi jwban clause ke 1. Setiap kalimat yg terdiri lebih dari 1 clause, WAJIB menggunakan connector (penghubung). Hanya opsi D yg ada connector nya (yaitu that yg menghubungkan kalimat it is generally believed dan a tree can be grown from a seedling ). Kt that pd opsi a bukan connector tetapi sbg subjek kalimat
that is generally believed.

5)      Nowhere______more skewed than in the auto industry.
(A). the retail trade figures
(B). retail trade figures
(C). are retail trade figures
(D). retail trade figure
Jawabannya : C. Are detail trade figures.
Alasannya : Nowhere adalah place expressions, contoh lainnya adalah here, there, etc. sehinga lagi2 S-V nya inverted.

6)      ________ test positive for antibiotics when tanker trucks arrive at a milk processing plant, according to federal law, the entire truckload must be discarded.
(A). Should milk
(B). If milk
(C). If milk is
(D). Milk Should
Jawabannya : harusnya itu If Milk Should, trus If nya di ommit / dihilangkan, sehingga inversi terjadi lagi, maka jadilah jawaban Should milk (A).

7)      .......... of breaking codes is known as cryptography.
(a) Studying scientific
(b) The scientific study
(c) To study scientifically
(d) That is scientific studying
jwbnya B krn sbujectnya The study, yg laen additional information.

8)      Even at low levels,...........
(a) the nervous system has produced undeniable harm by carbon monoxide
(b) carbon monoxide's undeniable harm are producing the nervous system
(c) carbon monoxide produces undeniable harm on the nervous system
(d) the undeniable harm produced by carbon monoxide on the nervous system
Jwbnnya C krn ini kalimat Simple Present Tense, memaparkan fakta.

9)      When I telephoned the doctor, his secretary told me to................ on as he was talking to someone else.
(a) wait
(b) hold
(c) go
(d) carry
Jwbnnya B, sesuai dgn maknanya hold on = to keep a telephone connection open by not hanging up the receiver: The operator asked us to hold on while the number we'd dialed was being checked.

10)  Since they aren't answering their telephone, they .......... .
(a) must have left
(b) should have left
(c) need have left
(d) can have left
Jwbnnya A krn sesuai makna must have left = pasti sudah pergi. Since = because pd soal.

11)  The firstly naval battle of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of Machias, Maine, in June 1775.
Jawaban yg benar first krn di konteks tsb fungsinya sbg adjective, menerangkan battle.

12)  The public ceremonies of the Plains Indians are lesser elaborate than those of the Navajo in the Southwest.
Jawaban yg benar less krn sdh dlm bentuk comparative form, berasal dari kata little, jd TIDAK PERLU lagi ditambah er.

13)  Dinosaurs are traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, but recent evidence based on eating habits, posture, and skeletal structural suggests some may have been warm-blooded.
Jawaban yg benar structure krn dlm konteks tsb fungsinya sbg kt benda, yg diterangkan oleh kt skeletal, alasan kedua krn habits, posture 2 2 nya kt benda, jd hrs kt benda juga spy structurnya paralel krn dihubungkan oleh conjunction and..

14)  The works of the author Helman Melville are literary creations of a high order, blending fact, fiction, adventure and subtle symbolic.
Jawabannya symbolism krn hrs parallel structure.

15)  The ancient Romans used vessels equipped with sails and banks of oars to transporting their armies.
Jawabannya to transport  to infinitive.

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